This May marked my seventh "blogging anniversary". It came and went, no fanfare, no celebration. Does it matter? Should it matter? And once again the question, why am I blogging?
Over the past seven years we built a new home and communitiy in Portland. I worked a few jobs, a couple of terrible ones and one fantastic one with a staff and boss that changed my life. I discovered my love of photography and my love of telling stories with images. I made amazing friends and planned some very fun events. We moved to Texas, added another to the family and slowed down.
It's a true statement: my blog changed my life. I would not have had so many of the opportunities without it (selling my photography to hundreds around the world, seeing my photos on the big screen, planning dream events). I am very lucky.
I want to thank you for following and supporting that journey.
But where to go from here?
Shooting film photos is not sustainable for me. Quite frankly, I can no longer handle the cost, the clutter, the stick to it-iveness it requires and my beloved yashica is broken anyway. I cannot blog daily. I don't visit flower fields and pretty shops and create beautiful table tops.
So... from here on out, I will stop trying to make this place what it once was and I will stop apologizing for it.
I invite you to join me for what I am now, who we are now. This will include babies, digital photography and real life scenarios. No more Baby T blog, it will all be here.
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Ultimately, the answer to the question why do I blog is to be a better me. To share, to connect and discover. This is my goal for this space for now.
So, here it is. Me trying again.
* * * * *
Some things I've been loving lately:
this great book
our CSA from here
2021海外如何玩国服《火箭联盟》 | Malus加速器唯一官方 ...:2021-7-7 · 2021最新海外玩国服火箭联盟游戏的教程,帮你加速火箭联盟游戏,全程开启火箭联盟不掉线不卡顿,50W用户的选择,海外各个国家地区实测有效,稳定快速,海棠Malus回国加速器致力于帮助海外华人和留学生提供加速中国大陆音视频的服务,可伍在海外流畅使用中国的网站和音视频服务,提供专业 ...